Friday, April 11, 2008

Whats up dudes, I just came back from MJC's movie marathon which lasted from 9pm to 7am this morning. I only slept one hour during KungFu Dunk, damn tired now, but still got strength to use the computer.

This is nice picture taken using HinKai's Macbook.

From right to left: Dominic, Hancong, Brian, Hinkai and me.

We went to Tampines Mall to shop for Dominic's shoes and some junk food before heading to the marathon. Movies shown aren't really worth mentioning, except for 不能说的秘密(Secret). I sat through most of the movies and taking breaks during the intervals between the movies by going to the toilet and not forgetting sleeping through 1 hour of KungFu Dunk. Me and Hinkai spent the last stretch of the MM outside the hall cause the hall was getting too cold for us to handle. So, together with another boy and girl, we stoned outside the hall until.... HinKai starting sleeping on the floor. So I couldn't leave him there and thus spent the last of the MM admiring the sky. Overall, it was ok except for the aircon.

Then this morning. we went to White Sands for Burger King breakfast. We began talking about other JCs and Weijie said something which really struck me. "I hardly mix around with people with other classes," Weijie said. This made me think. Since JC life is going to be hell, the only people we can rely on the make it better would be friends, right? Not that I have no friends, but its fun to have many. I think that I'm quite sociable, its just that I don't make the first move to making friends(especially true when it comes to the opposite sex). I don't know what to say to them. Haha. But still, I'll try my best.

Wa, damn tired now. Later maybe still meeting 4E4 gang for basketball. Tuesday got Chem Lecture Test and Thursday Econs test. Ok see ya.

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