Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My milkshake is better than yours hands down.


Today was a terrible terrible day. Econs sucks ass. Change teacher like never change. I'm not sure if the new econs teacher is worse than the previous one cause its only been one lesson but from what I can conclude that the fans in school are faulty. Then I realised that I lost my chem holiday homework questions so I came homework to chiong and yes I'm almost done with it except with the graph question contemplating whether to do it anot. Doing it now seems so easy even without refering, don't understand why during exam it was so different.

School starts at 8.30am tomorrow and I'm contemplating whether to wake up earlier to watch a movie before going to school. I want to watch a violent flick but I just can't seem to find any interesting one cause hinkai ignited my sick side when he talked to me about Hostel oo mama it was nice while it lasted. I think maybe I'll watch Starship Troopers again for the 234864293478th time.

On the topic of watching stuff, I've watched so many stuff during the holidays:

- Two korean drama serials, one completed one halfway(I watched it while my father was watching. I have no interest for lovey dovey predictable corny cheesy tv shows)

- Some Hong Kong CSI thing I think its called forensic nuts or something.

- The whole Rambo Quadrilogy

- Underworld and Underworld Evolution(For the 4th time but this time I wanted to see the features of Kate Beckinsle's face)

- a whole bunch of other movies which I cannot remember.

And I really recommend Be Kind, Rewind. Its another Scary Movie kind of movie but its 1000000000000000000000000000000000 times better. Its so funny that I was kept laughing for so long at some parts. Like the part where to they tried to remkae Rush hour 2 that scene was really really really funny! Juno pretty good too, the guitars in it are really nice.

The formation of the band seems to have revived now, Bjorn is interested. :D

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