Saturday, September 13, 2008

Nuts, its the end of the week. 9 more days or something to promos, trust the class blog's timer. TPJC's more or less done with theirs. This sucks nuts. Today I finally got pissed with this person in class. I won't tell you guys who but I'll give everyone hints no prizes for guessing right. The person is alot older than us, not as young as Alvin Quek alot alot older and %^@# he does not know his work. Lucky there was Han Cong and A. Hoe to correct me on some stuff, I don't know how much there is left uncorrected. Thanks 2/3 of the handsome guys in my PW group!

Studied in school, did one 2006 MJC promo paper. Freaking pek chek when got no answers. They cannot just print the answers together with the paper. But at least I feel my answers looked correct, haha. Played basketball after that, I can run for nuts. Ineed to play more. Play with yh they all after promos.

I told Suren that MJc holds this celebration for J1s known as the J1 bash I told him its not in school but disappointingly, its confirmed held in school. Whatever it is, just make it fun for the people going.

OH YEAH DOMINIC HINKAI AND ME MANAGED TO CONVINCE ALVIN QUEK AND HOE THAT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH IS ACTUALLY A PHOENIX! ALL HAIL TO X-MEN! it lasted for 30 mins though. If I were ever going to spread some religion or philosophy I'll get dominic to be my spokesman. Uber good!

3 days of school next week, most likely celebrating Xu hui's birthday on friday. That "fat" guy.

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