Saturday, May 2, 2009

幻日(Anthelion) - 血嫁(Bloody Matrimony)

煙雨夜遙 空織紗 以鮮血作嫁幽獨寰宇 孤聲泣 潸然淚下終盡 殊絕 赭紅花葬心凝魂瘁 崩裂 奔流動盪 離析 神傷 破落天壤 羽緞紛飛綺變幻境 心寄花萎今世結髮 三千星歲難解悠長離恨賦新辭 夜飲杯星斗降 臨虛空幽悽愴陰風殘雨 落霜寒 凝雪妝冥寂孤影 黔淚勾紋面獨行浩漫銀河 形殘身穢沐血澤破碎闖 夢蛻飄落東方折琴流水絕弦音 還誰此傷哀逝長眠 溺川靜默訣別鬢髮雙斑羽翼斷 魂靈凋謝冥獄墮還身墜萬丈寒冰 宛若荊棘戮刑刺骨穿心 慟凝刺骨穿心魂魄染血幽碧瞳 目空千年界幻滅原罪我命 鏈鎖原罪終歸我命夢殲散 異殲散 形敗殘 過落軒以葬空滅斷 灼身滅斷 墮地怨 魂歸雲深處負孤傷 星宿亡 喚吾之名 猶催漫天陰風懺響夜 侵寂月 魂驟滅 喚吾之名 血嫁寰宇祭宿殤終盡 殊絕 赭紅花葬幽幽幻世 流離 兩相渺茫 棄世亡

Chinese Black Metal believe it or not. They're damn good! And they're from Taiwan too! Haha, not the usual stuff you hear ar! Although I seriously have no idea what the song means...

Right so recently my water intake has sky rocketed like 1000000x the usual amount I drink. Why? cause recently I've been eatng at places which serve water, you know, in cups before you order = I spend alot. Bad. I need new material, new songs, new shit man!

I always question myself why I missed them in Singapore a few years back. Why.

and them.

Glad I didn't miss this last one!

Its a new week and I'm prepared for it manz.

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