Saturday, April 5, 2008


Crap man, I forgot that Esleen was organising a steamboat gathering at bugis today. I thought I was going to miss the gathering because of Guitar but in the end it was cancelled. I only remembered when Weeping talked about it just now during basketball. Those Ahbengs at the basketball court really don't accept the fact they lost, gathering different people to play against Sihao and all after every loss.

I felt a real sense of achievement just now, when Sihao told me that he was scolded for using the word screw when he was writing a reflection essay. I remember teaching him the word screw as a substitute for fuck last year during the 'O' Levels as a way of preparing for the English Paper. Haha, someone finally acknowledged him using the word.

Today was a very short day without CCA and so I had much time to spare. Spent some time haviing lunch and slacking in school with Hinkai, Dominic and other S401ers. Walked a bus stop before taking a bus down to 450 where I played basketball with the Yenhan Yuanhong Wei Hong Yenkang Weeping Sihao Yiwei and Eric. Played till about 7+ before going home. I would be watching a movie now if not for the fact that Dominic cannot make it. Sigh... JC life bores me to the core. I wanna go out very badly, but upcoming tests and homework due forbids me. A movie in Tampines would do fine, anyone interested?

I'm going to gym tomorrow with the Yhs again. I think they are going out, so probably no Lan. Yuan Hong says that when a girl looks at you, you should smile back. I think I should start doing that.

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