Friday, November 14, 2008

Wow J1 bash was a blast so much so that we went to sit at the study benches there was barely 100 people(I think) out of 800+ people. Good Job!

We had fun on our own though, dancing at the flag poles while the poor councilors watched from outside the lecture halls. :D

Had to miss today's cage because of some bullshit, don't even know why I'm involved too. Thats it, school ends, I won't see some of my classmates regularly anymore and I can't stone and people watch in school. Gotta go down to the chalet later don't know who will be there but I think I want to go bowl can you imagine a arcade with no house of the dead?? They call that a arcade?

Recently I've been contributing to the music industry, I bought 4 CDs around 20 dollars each. AC/DC, Cute is What We Aim For(edwin is gonna jump), Avenged Sevenfold(screw you edwin) and Trivium, so thank me.:D So thats 80 bucks to the industry. So if they are able to sell one song at $1online, and in each CD there are averagely 10 songs, they make and extra $1 from each song they sell on CD, meaning that their profit is $10 per CD or even more since they can sell one song at $1, it means they still earn. And here we are differenciating a equation 2364238943298 times.

I want to do a long post but I don't want to turn my blog into something like Alan's, a haven for JC students who are deprived of school and homework(not forgetting ARSEnal :D) Thanks to the small class we have in JC, I've become more exposed to soccer and basketball. Similarly, I think I listen to more chinese songs now HAHA. Oh and theres this article on yahoo that says that listening to your favourite music may help maintain and healthy heart ( no wonder all the KFC mcdonalds burger king onion rings burgers Carl's Jr fish and co sushi "HUA ZHI" and the takoyaki and the very terrble school food hasn't killed me yet. Noisy music is the love <3>

I was laughing to myself just now, cause my sister was begging my mum to buy her this weird shirt online. I told her don't buy, cause cannot refund, the size may be wrong. Then summore may lak sek and yet for PW we are promoting online shopping. Ok I going to talk to Hoester online se you all next time I planted camera's in you computers.

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