Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hello, PW sucks.

I hate PW. Its completely irrevelant to whatever we're doing in a JC. To make matter worse, our GPP is not approved yet. Apparently it should already be. So I guess Group 1 is pretty much screwed, unless some miracle haapens. We haven't found the person we want to interview, we are struggling with the survey, honestly, I have no idea what we're doing. I'm just going with the flow.

Aiyo, no point getting worked up over this. Now just have to wait for Alvin to type out the survey and send to me ASAP so I can send to "TinTin" ASAP. and have it approved ASAP. and interview that woman ASAP. So that we will have alot of T to study for mid-years. Anyway, I completed revision for Chemical Bondingggggggggggg! Yeah baby!

The morning was spent at the gym and PW at NLB(haha, I still don't understand why we go until Bugis). Went to the gym with good friend Joel, where we have the talk bull session while we watch each other do the machines. Got the full story for the "Jolene is a bitch" thing, unreasonable people. Then, chiong down to Bugis to do PW. Somehow I feel whenever we meetup, we don't complete anything. or we don't complete enough. We worked at a table outside Hans since the library was already infested with muggers. Then went back home while the rest watch move. Went to meet Macus and Sihao at Safra to do revision for Chem cause they have a test on Monday. Yi Wei was there too, wa long time never see him. Then play pool, fun man.

I remember that my way to release stress is to listen to metal music. So now here I am listening to Slipknot's Left Behind. I'm damn amazed by the triple drums in the band, especially tengu face and his forklift. and of course the clown. Actually, I'm amazed by all of them. New album this year! On this topic, Edwin says one of his friends placed metal music as ont of his hobbies. HAHA, his defination of Metal is: Avenged Sevenfold and Lost Prophets. Avenged Sevenfold has long left metal, but yeah, maybe a pinch of metal still is there. But LOST PROPHETS? wow. I'm amazed. Not that I want to boast about my knowledge of "Satanic" music, but he needs to listen to some Dimmu Borgir.

Ok, need to practice guitar pieces and learn Muse's Unintended.

I miss school man, honestly. Especially the people in school.

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