Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I slept for 3 hours just now, a new record for a nap.

School is mundane, I still wish something interesting will happen. I literally stoned through evey single lecture and tutorial today, chinese and GP are exceptions. Studying is so bloody boring, sometimes I don't even know what I'm studying for.

I paid bloody $10+$7.50+$3+10$ this week thats $30.50 and almost 3/5 of my weekly allowance. School really is a rip off.

I still owe people the 08S401 BR act haha, soon I will get it up. There is this article on Asiaone which ranked Singapore among the top 10 cities in the world with the hottest girls. Why? The 'sophisticated, endearing, cute, and sexy' Singlish and their 'smouldering' fashion sense.

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