Monday, July 7, 2008


Its been a pleasent long break.

I studied on Saturday and Sunday and went guitar hunting on Sunday. I've more or less settled on what I want, so most likely I'm going down to Bras Brasah this Saturday again.

So... Patronised the studio at my void deck of my home on Sat. We(Edwin,Joel,Suren,me) had fun there, especially when we were just plain aimless and misusing the instruments there. Played half of Sum 41's Pieces, could have been better. Practise practise. If only I had this much enthusiasm in my CCA.

Sunday I went guitar hunting and wow I love doing stuff that pisses people off. I went into some shop and tried all their ampifiers including a $600 amp when I'm only willing to buy a <$100 one. The boss there kept saying,"no obligations, no obligations", so thanks uncle! I can't remember what I did later in the day so yeah I think I slept early.

Today...youth day. I still remember the times where I enjoyed both youth day and children's day. Times flies, I'll be looking forward to labour day in 2 years. HAHA.

So, woke up early and completed econs homework. Then watched "Diary of The Dead", a Cloverfield copycat but this time with Zombies instead of a monster. Kinda disappointed, considering George Romero wrote and directed this. But, nice to kill time. Crashed Temasek Poly after that and had lunch there. The first familiar face I had to see was %^%@$(*& damn suay. But seriously man, polys are like CB infested! Then went to play pool. Every game I lost, so they said that I was a curse, curse everyone to lose. Neh neh, It was later that I realised that I was using a billard stick. Won after that. Then got time, so we went bowling and its damn fun. Parted ways after that OH YES I forgot to mention, I made a new friend today his name is Shafiq.

I think I've seen too many things at my age. Just too many, events and people that I shouldn't be experiencing and interacting with now. Makes me uneasy.

Theres school tomorrow. Goodnight.

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