Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Masked Rider Kabuto so fun, too bad I don't have PS2. My Xbox died on me after a year nice one warranty doesn't work cause we voided the warranty.

Honestly, I have no commitment towards my CCA. If any exco were to see this I'm dead. Sure kena counciling.

I watched Resident Evil just now, sense of nostalgia. 4 years back, I remembered myself squirming when that guy got sliced into a million pieces in the "laser room". How ironic, haha.

Alan has his 7 laws, check mine out:


Any part of your body thats uncomfortable, painful or even aching, just cut it off. e.g your retarded eye is aching. The source of pain is your retarded eye. Thereforve, no eye no pain?

I'll come out with more along the winding lifeless boring hectic JC road to university.

I have a bad feeling about how I'm feeling now. My attitude towards studying has worsened. I study because I need to study. I don't mind, since its oxygen to humans. But I'm losing that patience thats needed to study. Rest assured this has nothing to do with MYEs. Most probably JC syallabus is boring, at least to me. Imagine studying why an increase in concentration of reactants increases rate of reaction(then recall miss thiru's hand actions).

I dislike people who feel sorry for themselves and then start blaming every other person out there.

Okayyyyyyyy goodnight have dumb chinese to do vroom vroom.

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