Sunday, December 14, 2008

Beneath The Sky - The Pursuit Of ??? <------ I like.

Ok firstly a BIG thank you to Hin Kai Dominic Alvin Quek Han Cong today for that wonderful/unexpected surprise Haha the cake was super chocolatey. Really I was worried that Hin Kai was left alone on the rooftop so I quickly chionged up! Haha today, 我彻底地被模了。

Secondly a big thank you to Yuan Hong Yen Han Peng Xiang Joey and Zhi Jie for keeping company for like half a day. Just too bad I couldn't catch the movie with you guys but also thanks for almost sacrificing Peng Xiang for the seat. Haha, hilarious stuff. Anyway have a good trip Yuan Hong, we'll be happy without you during the class chalet! Joking.

Thirdly big thank you tou Xuhui Kevin Esleen and Weiting for keeping company during the night although its really just pure chance that I bumped into the gym freaks!

And lastly thanks to everyone else who smsed me facebooked me wished me their well wishes and all, hope that you guys have good years ahead!

So looking ahead, half(or slightly less) are going to genting... that leaves the rest of us in SG. I've got a plan for those remaining in SG and if you're interested, just tell me and I'll reveal all. Its catchy, the name itself with definitely surprise you!

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