Monday, December 15, 2008

Regarding crapping...

Not trying to be funny here but whenever I see people using the word crap in a really weird way I really want to tickle myself.

So, I mutter crap, I talk crap, I yell crap in this sense I guess it just means nonsense. But if used the other way, "He went to take a crap" or "He took a crap" or "I need to take a crap" reference from South Park I guess it means he needed to shit. So if people use the word crap this way,"Omg, I just luvvvvv crapping with Tom" or "I crapped with John the whole afternoon!" well it just sound weird.

But imagine if that were real. Imagine double the smell when you crap with another person. And I don't know how one person can crap the whole afternoon most probably he didnt crap for 4 years and 9 months or something. Pain.

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